Posted on June 22nd, 2021
Currently, major investments in Cloud data platforms are expanding rapidly with little attention paid to the actual data content within these platforms, including usability, accuracy, usefulness, and general trustworthiness of the data itself. These issues can make a significant impact, threatening the success of any data-driven initiative, as well as any data-based strategic decision-making.
However, what if it were easy to connect to a Cloud data source and run data quality exception reports and data redundancy reports? What if you could create new tables to work with from multiple existing tables and data sources using fuzzy matching as the basis for data joins, pulling relevant data from each? It is currently estimated that 80% of data science are project resources are spent preparing data prior to analysis. What if this percentage could be dramatically reduced?
Interzoid Cloud Data Connect is a software product that makes it easy to seamlessly connect to, diagnose, and identify issues of accuracy, consistency, comprehensiveness, and usability of critical, strategic data in the Cloud, thereby enabling the process of resolving these issues and increasing the data’s value and usefulness.
Behind the scenes, the product connects to and uses our various APIs to analyze the data residing in these Cloud platforms for data issues such as data inconsistency, accuracy, redundant/duplicate data, and opportunities for enrichment, including data within Postgres, MySQL, AWS RDS, AWS Aurora, Microsoft Azure Cosmos, Oracle Database Cloud, MongoDB, Google Spanner, Snowflake, Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, and hundreds of other Cloud-based, data-centric platforms.
The Interzoid Cloud Data Connect (IZDC) product, which runs on both Linux and Windows, connects to data sources using a choice of native database connectivity (available for hundreds of data platforms such as PostgreSQL, MySQL, Snowflake, Cockroach DB, and others), ODBC (including many SAAS applications), or direct text file processing. It is a free product, as you only pay for the API usage through the Interzoid API platform.
It enables the automated traversing of individual records of a data table, view, or query to be invoked in real-time against various data-oriented APIs available on the Interzoid API Platform in a batch-like workload. The results can either be reported interactively, delivered to a file, or stored in new tables as instructed by the user.
This joint Database-to-API bridge approach enables a broad, expanding range of APIs available from Interzoid to be used in conjunction with a theoretically infinite number of data sources, databases, SAAS applications, and other data systems in the Cloud, producing various data quality analysis, data usability, data enhancement, and other various data reports - all without any coding.
Also, the new tables that can be created on the fly can provide endless opportunities for creative data analysis, Machine Learning, AI, or other data science activities.