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API World 2019 Event

by Interzoid Team

Posted on October 7th, 2019

API World 2019 event

The annual API World conference is occurring this week in San Jose, California in conjunction with the Microservices World event. It runs Tuesday through Thursday, October 8th-10th at the San Jose Convention Center. Sixty exhibitors and over 3500 attendees are expected. Interzoid will have booth #117 if you would like to drop by, and registering for a trial account with Interzoid using referral code "APIWORLD" this week will give you ten times the normal trial credits for our API system and its twenty data-oriented APIs.

Current and emerging topics such as Microservices design, the API Economy, API strategy, the Service Mesh, IOT APIs, API security, the role of Kubernetes, Blockchain, scalability, API Management, emerging APIs, and more will all be highlighted at the event.

Keynotes include Iddo Gino, CEO of RapidAPI; Tom Tovar, CEO of AppDome; Marco Palladino, CTO of Kong; Amy Peck, Sr. Director of Vive Studios; Chris Bunk, VP Engineering of Even Financial; and Pete Banks, VP Engineering at Guidebook.

There are session talks such as Monolith Application to Microservices, Machine Learning, Istio, Big Data, API Lifecycles, Deployment Pipelines, API Documentation, GraphQL, Cloud Native APIs, the Role of REST, and many more.

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