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Easy API Integration Examples in Ten Programming Languages

by Interzoid Team

Posted on October 19th, 2021

Examples in Ten Programming Languages

There are ten sets of coding examples available for consuming Interzoid APIs on our Github page, showcasing how easy they are to integrate into any development scenario. There are examples for several Interzoid APIs, along with any language-specific recommended approaches, available to leverage.

The code examples include data matching (algorithms for identifying inconsistently represented organization names, individual names, and addresses) as well as our standardization APIs, enabling core data assets to be more usable, complete, accurate, and therefore have more value. This makes every data-driven application or tool used with your critical data assets more effective.

Other examples include live weather data, financial data such as foreign exchange rates, global telephone demographics, global site performance testing, email address validation, and several more.

Example code is provided in Javascript, Typescript, Node, Python, Go, Java, Ruby, Rust, C#, and PHP repositories. Find them here on Github to jumpstart your use of the Interzoid APIs.

If rather than utilizing a few lines of code, you would prefer to automate access to the APIs directly from either Cloud or on-premise database platforms, our free database connectivity product is available as well (API subscription required), allowing entire tables (or views) of data to be processed through any of our APIs. Output of the batch-like process can either be provided as reports, or the output results can be sent to database tables as well. This means you can automate entire data cleansing and data analysis processes on top of database platforms like AWS Aurora, AWS RDS, Snowflake, SkySQL, Postgres, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Azure database platforms, Google Cloud SQL, CockroachDB, and many others. The same can be achieved with any SAAS application that allows an ODBC connection - all without any coding.

Special launch pricing is available through the end of the month.

For questions, contact us at or see Pricing for more information.

See our Snowflake Native Application. Achieve Data Quality built-in to SQL statements.
Identify inconsistent and duplicate data quickly and easily in data tables and files.
Connect Directly to Cloud SQL Databases and Perform Data Quality Analysis
Achieve better, more consistent, more usable data.
Try our Pay-as-you-Go Option
Start increasing the usability and value of your data - start small and grow with success.
Launch Our Entire Data Quality Matching System on an AWS EC2 Instance
Deploy to the instance type of your choice in any AWS data center globally. Start analyzing data and identifying matches across many databases and file types in minutes.
Free Usage Credits
Register for an Interzoid API account and receive free usage credits. Improve the value and usability of your strategic data assets now.
Automate API Integration into Cloud Databases
Run live data quality exception and enhancement reports on major Cloud Data Platforms direct from your browser.
Check out our APIs and SDKs
Easily integrate better data everywhere.
Example API Usage Code on Github
Sample Code for invoking APIs on Interzoid in multiple programming languages
Business Case: Cloud APIs and Cloud Databases
See the business case for API-driven data enhancement - directly within your important datasets
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