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OpenAPI Specification 3.0 Documentation for Interzoid APIs Now Available on SwaggerHub

by Interzoid Team

Posted on October 29th, 2019

OpenAPI Specification

Interzoid now has documentation for 20+ APIs available on SmartBear's SwaggerHub platform in the OpenAPI 3.0 Specification format. Governed by the OpenAPI Initiative, a consortium of industry experts, the OpenAPI specification provides human and machine readable interface files for describing, consuming, and visualizing RESTful APIs.

The OpenAPI specification was originally called Swagger. After its acquisition by SmartBear, it was released as an open specification and became the preferred API documentation mechanism in the industry. The language-neutral specification framework enables automatic SDK clients, code generation, visual documentation, and the automated use of interactive testing clients so a potential developer or end-user can quickly and easily understand the behavior of a given API prior to selecting it for integration within desktop applications, Web sites, mobile applications, or any other system or device.

There is a considerable list of tools, environments, and editors that have adopted the OpenAPI standard, including Microsoft's Visual Studio Code Extension. Full lists of supporting products and tools can be found here on Github and here on OpenAPI Tools.

Here are some examples of Interzoid APIs on the SwaggerHub platform:

Global Location Page Load and API Call Performance Testing
Company Name Match Similarity Key Generation
Individual Name Match Similarity Key Generation
Live Currency Rate Conversion
Global Telephone Number Demographics
Current Weather Information
Email Address Validation

For OpenAPI 3.0 Specification documentation on all Interzoid APIs, visit the API master list, select an API, and then click on the SwaggerHub link to find its interface file on SwaggerHub ready for use.

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