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by Interzoid Team

Company Name Match Similarity Scoring

Compare two company/organization names programmatically to see how similar they are.

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Databricks Interzoid Data Matching Tutorial

Run match reports on and across Databricks data tables and datasets using the free Databricks Community Edition.

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Databricks Connectivity Now Available

Run matching/duplicate data reports, identify inconsistent data, enrich data, and more within Databricks clusters and SQL warehouses.

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Data-Centric AI vs Model-Centric AI

Data-Centric AI vs Model-Centric AI

While both training data and models are essential to successful AI, the paradigm emphasis is shifting.

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What is Data Observability

What is Data Observability?

Ensure the overall health, accuracy, reliability, and quality of your data assets.

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What is Data Wrangling

What is Data Wrangling?

Improve the value and usability of your data assets.

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How to Achieve Better Data Quality

Three Ways to Utilize Interzoid for Better Data Usability and Value

APIs, interactive dataset processing, and connecting to Cloud databases for analysis are all available with Interzoid.

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Snowflake Data Matching

Quick and Easy Data Matching with Snowflake: Three Ways

Quickly and easily match data, identify inconsistency, and eliminate redundancy on Snowflake's Cloud Data Platform.

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Data pipelines

Redirected Output of Data Analysis Processes for Data Workflow

This capability enables scheduled/ongoing processing, automated workflow, and data pipelines.

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Element Analysis of a Data Column

"Elementizing" a Dataset or Database Table Column

A data element analysis of data columns can help towards improving data consistency.

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Step-by-Step Data Matching in the Cloud Tutorial

Step-by-Step Data Matching in the Cloud Tutorial

Quick walkthrough shows how easy identifying redundant data in the Cloud can be.

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Python Package Added for Name Match Scoring

Python Package Added for Name Match Scoring

Enables fast and simple name scoring in Python.

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Go Package Added for Name Match Scoring

Go Package Added for Name Match Scoring

This makes using in Golang incredibly fast and simple.

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Many Solutions Begin with Matching Data

Many Solutions Begin with Matching Data

The complexities involved in matching individual or company/organization names can be considerably reduced.

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Business Intelligence Data

Is Your Business Intelligence Data Suspect?

How useful are business intelligence applications if the underlying data is suspect?

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ELT Versus ETL in the Era of Cloud Databases

ELT Versus ETL in the Era of Cloud Databases

ELT is emerging as a preferred approach in the era of Cloud Databases versus traditional ETL. Here's why.

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Applied Machine Learning for Data Engineering

Applied Machine Learning Can Be a Powerful Data Engineering Ally

Using Machine Learning capabilities, an organization can significantly improve the quality, usability, and value of their important data assets.

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Normalize data

Normalize Your Data : Send it to Us

Standardized, consistent data assets provide better analytics and data-driven results.

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Data Quality CSV Files

Cloud Data Workloads Now Support CSV Files

Any CSV file on the Web can be used as a data source.

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Identify Duplicate Data

Identify Duplicate, Redundant, and Inconsistent Data in Cloud Data Sources

Connect to various database platforms to quickly and easily run actionable match reports.

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AWS Relational Database Management Platforms

Amazon AWS Choices for Cloud Relational Databases

An overview of Cloud Relational Database Management offerings from AWS Amazon, and how Interzoid can help with improving the important data in each.

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Azure SQL Database Platform Data Quality

Automated Data Quality Reporting and Capabilities for the Azure SQL Database Platform

Leverage matching, standardization of inconsistent data, validation, appending and other features to improve the value of your strategic data assets within Microsoft's Azure SQL Database Platform - all from the browser.

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Data Engineering Use Cases with Interzoid Cloud Data Connect

Data Engineering Use Cases with Interzoid Cloud Data Connect

Sample Use Cases for Interzoid's Cloud Data Connect offering, for Data Engineering in the Cloud with the top Cloud Data Platforms.

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Run Live Data Quality Match Reports from our Web Application

Run Live Data Quality Match Reports from our Web Application

100% Cloud, browser-based application easily connects to and quickly generates live duplication/redundancy reports from data within major Cloud database platforms such as Snowflake, AWS RDS, and Google Cloud SQL.

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Data Cleansing Services Available

Send us Your Data: Data Cleansing Services Available

We will use our proprietary cleansing, matching, and enrichment tools to increase the usability and value of your data assets.

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Easy API Integration Examples in Ten Programming Languages

Easy API Integration Examples in Ten Programming Languages

Example Interzoid API integration code is provided in Javascript, Typescript, Node, Python, Go, Java, Ruby, Rust, C#, and PHP repositories.

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Unlimited Enterprise Subscription Now Available

Unlimited Enterprise Subscription Now Available

Full, complete access now available and includes Premium Support. Take advantage of special launch pricing through October.

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Code Example: Using HttpClient in Java to Invoke Interzoid APIs

Code Example: Using HttpClient in Java to Invoke Interzoid APIs

Sample Java code demonstrates how straight-forward it is.

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Interzoid Joins API3 Alliance as Founding Member

Interzoid Joins API3 Alliance as Founding Member

Interzoid's API will be accessible for use on the blockchain

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Call APIs in batch mode from database tables in the Cloud

Interzoid Cloud Data Connect - Automating the Use of Cloud Database Tables as Input to APIs - No coding!

The free download bridges the gap between Cloud database platforms and APIs.

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Using Interzoid Cloud Data Connect with RapidAPI to Find Matching Company Names in Cloud Databases

Using Interzoid Cloud Data Connect with RapidAPI to Find Matching Company Names in Cloud Databases - No Coding

Use your RapidAPI Marketplace subscription directly within Interzoid Cloud Data Connect for automated company name matching within major Cloud database platforms.

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Validating and Enriching Email Addresses Within PostgreSQL via API

Video: Validating and Enriching Email Addresses Within PostgreSQL via API

Step-by-step walkthrough shows validating and enriching email addresses directly in PostgreSQL, adding geographics and email address type indicators.

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Enriching International Telephone Number Within PostgreSQL via API

Video: Enriching International Telephone Numbers Within PostgreSQL via API

Step-by-step walkthrough shows enriching global telephone numbers directly in PostgreSQL, adding geographics and demographics.

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Consuming an Org Name Matching API Within PostgreSQL

Video: Data Engineering with PostgreSQL - Matching Inconsistent Company Name Data.

Step-by-step walkthrough shows populating a database in PostgreSQL, and then performing various matching and appending techniques to resolve the issue of inconsistent organization/company name data.

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Generating Company Match Reports in the Snowflake Data Cloud

Video: Data Engineering with the Snowflake Data Cloud - Matching Inconsistent Company Name Data.

Step-by-step walkthrough shows populating a database on the Snowflake Data Cloud, and then performing various matching and appending techniques to resolve the issue of inconsistent organization/company name data.

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Generating Company Match Reports in Amazon Aurora RDS

Video: Creating a Database on Amazon Aurora, then Matching Data and Appending Similarity Keys - All Automated, No Coding.

Step-by-step walkthrough shows creating a database on Amazon's Aurora Serverless Database platform, and then performing various matching and appending techniques on the created data tables in a few simple steps.

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Generating Company Match Reports in the CockroachCloud

Launch a CockroachCloud Instance, Populate with Data, and Perform Data Quality Analysis

Identifying inconsistent, redundant, and duplicate organization/company names with a CockroachCloud instance in only four steps.

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Generating Company Match Reports in the Snowflake Data Cloud

Generating Company Match Reports in the Snowflake Data Cloud

Identifying inconsistent, redundant, and duplicate organization/company names within Snowflake in only four steps.

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Advanced Company Name Matching Now Available on AWS Marketplace

Advanced Company Name Matching Now Available on AWS Marketplace

Sophisticated matching capabilities via API, database connectivity, and application connections.

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Consuming Interzoid APIs in Golang

Code Samples: Consuming Interzoid APIs in Go

Seven quickstart examples

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Consuming Interzoid APIs in Python

Code Samples: Consuming Interzoid APIs in Python

Seven quickstart examples

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Appending External Data to a Data Source via API

Part Two: Data Virtualization, Interzoid’s Global Telephone Information API, and Denodo: Appending External Data to a Data Source via API, Step-by-Step

Part Two of a two-part series on data virtualization and APIs

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Data Matching via Data Virtualization

Part One: Data Virtualization, Interzoid’s Company Data Matching API, and Denodo: Find Redundant Company Names Within a Data Source, Step-by-Step

Part One of a two-part series on data virtualization and APIs

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TestWeb site load times

Global Speed Test for Websites and APIs

Measure performance from international locations.

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Mobile foreign currency apps

Real-time Currency Converter: Sample API Client Mobile Application

Mobile applications are a great way to leverage data feeds via API.

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Matching company data with multiple algorithms

Using Multiple Algorithms to Improve Organization Name Matching

Fine-tune the identification of duplicate, inconsistent organization names within or across datasets.

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International telephone number demographics

Identifying a City from an International Telephone Number via API

Automate collection of city, region, and country data for collected international phone numbers.

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Generate fictional data

API to Generate Person Data for Testing

Leverage high volumes of fictional data to test performance of database applications.

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Get Edge Computing Performance Testing for Cloudfront

Measuring Performance Gains from Cloudfront - Testing from the Edge

AWS Cloudfront is one Edge Computing solution delivering significant performance gains through global caching networks. But how does one measure results?

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AWS Marketplace APIs

Press Release: Interzoid Launches Cloud Data All API Access, Now Available in AWS Marketplace

Enables easy access to multiple Cloud capabilities and data sources via unified billing

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Get Current Weather

Use Latitude and Longitude in Mobile Devices to Get Current Weather Conditions

Now it's easy to add weather to mobile applications using geolocation data from a mobile device.

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Integrate Current Weather Data via API

Integrate Current Weather Data via API

Weather data can add weather-based customization and personalization to a broad class of applications.

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Interzoid AWS Marketplace

Interzoid All-Access API Package Integrated and Available for Subscription via the AWS Marketplace

Interzoid's collection of APIs are now integrated into the AWS Marketplace and available for use as part of solutions utilizing Amazon's Cloud infrastructure, including unified billing.

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Matching and Merging Inconsistent Data Sources

Matching and Merging Data: Similarity Keys

Much value can be obtained from merging multiple files of data to get clearer, more comprehensive pictures of prospects, customers, and business opportunities. However, matching data across tables or merging files can be a challenge if the data in those files is inconsistently represented.

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OpenAPI Specification 3.0.3 Released

OpenAPI Specification 3.0.3 Released

The OpenAPI 3.0.3 specification was released late last week.

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Global Commerce: Show Prices in Local Currencies via API

Global Commerce: Show Prices in Local Currencies via API - Earn Possible 30% Purchase Increase

There were approximately 4.5 billion active Internet users around the globe in January 2020. Europe had more individual users on the Web than North America, with over 750,000 million. Asia eclipsed that with nearly 2 billion online. Is your site ready?

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Interzoid Joins OpenAPI Initiative

Interzoid Joins the OpenAPI Initiative to Help Build Frictionless Data Future

OpenAPI welcomes Interzoid as a new OpenAPI member!

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Inconsistent Individual Name Data

Examples of Individual Name Matches Likely Within Your Data

Duplicate customer data involving individuals is usually caused by spelling variations, nicknames, data inconsistency, typos, and free-form data sources, causing the same individual to make multiple appearances at different places within corporate data assets.

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Inconsistent Company Name Data

Examples of Catching Duplicate, Inconsistent Company Name Data with an API

No company has been built on a foundation of bad data assets. Here are some examples of inconsistent company data within databases and an API that can help.

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Micromarkets: Enhance Marketing Campaigns Using Zip Code Data

Micromarkets: Enhance Marketing Campaigns Using Enriched Zip Code Data

Zip codes carve up the United States into more than 41,000 micromarkets. Using them for customer analytics and marketing segmentation can provide interesting insights, including identifying important markets, top buyer demographics, and optimizing the selection of growth markets

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Know the Language from an International Phone Number

Determine the Likely Spoken Language of a Customer or Prospect from an International Phone Number

If you are doing any kind of international marketing or customer communication, language diversity is something to consider. Fortunately, Interzoid has an API for that.

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Global News Site Page Load Performance

Ranked: Measuring Global Performance of Top International News Sites with an API Call

Large news sites typically have global audiences, therefore, it's a good exercise to measure how Websites and specific Web pages perform from international locations. Accordingly, we thought we would test how several top global news organizations are performing with respect to page load time.

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OpenAPI Swagger

OpenAPI Specification 3.0 Documentation for Interzoid APIs Now Available on SwaggerHub

Interzoid now has documentation for 20+ APIs available on SmartBear's SwaggerHub platform in the OpenAPI 3.0 Specification format.

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Data standardization

More Accurate Queries and Analytics: Easily Standardize Inconsistent Data via API

Data is inherently inconsistent, at least with respect to how it is stored electronically. These inconsistencies can make data very difficult to analyze. What can be done?

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How do you Enforce a Global Service-Level Agreement

How do you Enforce a Global Service-Level Agreement?

Service-level agreements can be quite complex. However, many involve straight-forward performance metric requirements that are agreed to by a customer and its service provider. But how do you enforce them on a global level?

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API World 2019 Event and Conference

API World 2019 Event and Conference

The annual API World event and conference is occurring this week in San Jose, California in conjunction with the Microservices World event. It runs Tuesday through Thursday, October 8th-10th. Sixty exhibitors and over 3500 attendees are expected. Interzoid will be exhibiting.

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Understand the Relationship Between APIs and Microservices

Understanding the Relationship Between APIs and Microservices

Remote Procedures Calls (RPCs), Functions-as-a-Service, Web Services, Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), APIs, and now Microservices are examples of tangential terms that have been part of our Web vernacular over the years. How do APIs and Microservices compare?

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How to Match Individual Name Data in Real-time using an API

How to Match Individual Name Data in Real-time using an API

Name data can exist in many forms at the content level, making hard to match and analyze. This can substantially reduce the value and effectiveness of many data-oriented applications such as customer information systems, marketing systems, resource planning systems, accounting systems, and other business process-driven systems.

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Estimate Demographics from an International Telephone Number API

Estimate Demographics from an International Telephone Number

An international number by itself can provide a significant amount of useful information about the person or organization that the number connects to. This may be helpful as part of a marketing segmentation exercise.

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Publish Data to the Cloud with a Comprehensive API Management System to Drive New Business

Publish Your Data as a Public API to Drive Business?

Publishing data externally as a public API (Application Programming Interface) can pave the way to innovation with your partners and customers, leading to more business opportunities and business development.

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Customer Data Quality with APIs and Microservices are Critical to Company Databases, especially for Marketing and CRM

APIs: An Ideal Mechanism for Better Customer Data Assets at Less Cost

In the case of keeping customer data assets accurate, complete, and valuable, an API approach and all the associated benefits of API-use proves they are an ideal weapon in the solution.

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Use CURL to Invoke APIs Quickly and Easily to Understand Value and Build Applications

Invoking APIs from the Command Line using cURL

cUrl, which stands for "client URL", is a command-line utility for sending and receiving data, making it ideal to consume APIs from the command line without writing code. Here are several examples.

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Twilio SMS Integration using Interzoid's Global Page Load and CDN Performance Monitoring API from Cities around the Globe

Source Code Example: Using Twilio and Interzoid APIs Together for a Web Page (or other API) Global Monitoring and Alerting System

In this example, we will call Interzoid's Global Page Load API to measure performance from thirteen different physical locations around the globe. Then, when a certain measurement threshold is exceeded, we will use the Twilio SMS API to send an SMS alert notifying ourselves of the event.

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Python Code Example of Consuming an API or Microservice using REST or JSON

Consuming APIs in Python

Python, a powerful, highly extensive language is one of the fastest growing languages in use today. Many data science and machine language applications are harnessing its capabilities. Here is an example of how to consume an API within Python.

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API Website Geared Towards Developers, Universal Testing Clients, Microservices, a Directory of APIs, and API Provider Tools

Integrating Interzoid APIs Through RapidAPI

If you already have a RapidAPI account and want to start an integration immediately, or you would like to join millions of developers who utilize RapidAPI's rich set of API tools, Interzoid APIs are now available for use through the RapidAPI platform.

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Golang Code Example for Consuming Demographic Data APIs, an International Telephone Data API Sample

Consuming an API in Go

Go, also known as Golang, is a powerful, emerging language architected for distributed computing, especially for server-side scenarios in the Cloud. Here is a quick,easy code walkthrough for using Go to consume an API.

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Email Validation and Email Verification are Critical to Email Address List Processing

Improve Delivery and Sender Reputation with Email List Validation and Enhancement

Email is still one of the top performing tools for marketers in 2019 and beyond. Not only is it budget-friendly and quick to launch campaigns with, but its reach is staggering. It is estimated that there are more than 250-300 billion emails sent around the world every day. Four billion email accounts exist globally, 25% of which are business or otherwise work-related accounts.

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Matching data and resolving data quality issues with inconsistent company name data API microservice provides better business intelligence and reporting

Inconsistent Company Names?

Company names can be inconsistently represented in a database, the permutations causing all kinds of reporting, searching, and matching problems. How can Interzoid's Similarity Keys via API help solve the problem?

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Monitor Web Page, API, Microservice, and CDN Speed and Performance from Global Locations

Measure Web Page Load Speed From Points Around the Globe with an API Call

Are you comfortable that your Web site page loading performance is as good globally as it is locally? Now you can easily measure it.

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See our Snowflake Native Application. Achieve Data Quality built-in to SQL statements.
Identify inconsistent and duplicate data quickly and easily in data tables and files.
Connect Directly to Cloud SQL Databases and Perform Data Quality Analysis
Achieve better, more consistent, more usable data.
Try our Pay-as-you-Go Option
Start increasing the usability and value of your data - start small and grow with success.
Launch Our Entire Data Quality Matching System on an AWS EC2 Instance
Deploy to the instance type of your choice in any AWS data center globally. Start analyzing data and identifying matches across many databases and file types in minutes.
Free Usage Credits
Register for an Interzoid API account and receive free usage credits. Improve the value and usability of your strategic data assets now.
Automate API Integration into Cloud Databases
Run live data quality exception and enhancement reports on major Cloud Data Platforms direct from your browser.
Check out our APIs and SDKs
Easily integrate better data everywhere.
Example API Usage Code on Github
Sample Code for invoking APIs on Interzoid in multiple programming languages
Business Case: Cloud APIs and Cloud Databases
See the business case for API-driven data enhancement - directly within your important datasets
Documentation and Overview
See our documentation site.
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